Set It and Forget It: Easy Email Automation Setups to Save You Time

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Marketing & Sales | 0 comments

If you’re struggling to stay on top of your email marketing, you’re not alone. Email marketing is often the thing business owners procrastinate on. If this sounds like you, book a free consultation to learn how we can set-up, organize, & systemize your email marketing.

The key to making email marketing something enjoyable (& profitable) is the use of email automations. In this blog, I am going to dive into the top automations you can set up today so you can start effectively nurturing, growing, & converting your audience.

What is Email Automation & is it Complicated?

When it comes to email automations, it is a series of emails that will be sent to your subscribers based A). an action they take & B) a predetermined sending schedule. This means you can have your email marketing on autopilot for certain aspects of your business.

Beyond automations saving your countless hours, you also get to experience:

  • Improved engagement
  • Increased efficiency
  • Consistency in showing up for your subscribers
  • Scalability in growing & converting your audience without lifting a finger

Automation is a key aspect when it comes to creating a business that can function without you being present. Now let’s get into email automations!

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1). Setting Up Welcome Emails

This is perfect for when you have some sign up to your email list. It allows you to begin nurturing your new subscriber by providing them with: 

  • Information about who you are & how you can serve them.
  • Establish how often they’ll get emails & the type of email content they’ll get.
  • A CTA that pushes them to take action (i.e. downloading a free resources, reading a blog post, etc)
  • You can also provide a special bonus (i.e. freebie, discount code, etc) to further incentive them to stick around.

In my opinion, this is the first critical step in making a memorable impression on your audience!

2). Automated Onboarding Sequences

I believe everyone’s onboarding should be automated. This not only frees up your time, but also creates a better experience for your client/customer. The onboarding sequence would be triggered after someone has purchased a service or product from you. The key things to keep in mind/include is: 

  • Before you even start, get clear on the steps someone needs to take after purchasing X service or product from you. 
  • Next set up a segment to ensure those who purchase are the only ones getting these emails. 
  • When crafting the emails, make sure each email is clear & simple for someone to understand.
  • Include any links, resources, “what to expect” info, etc so the process is crystal clear for both you & your buyer.

If you’re feeling ambitious, you can set up a survey for them to take at the end to see how you can improve the process overtime!

3). Drip Campaigns for Lead Nurturing

This type of automation is often connected to a sales funnel. It would be a series of emails that takes someone from opt-in into your emails to being a repeat customer. However, you can also use a drip campaign with newsletter that are super valuable for your audience to read too. That way you can continue to nurture them & prep them for the sale!

These are keys steps to setting up effective drip campaigns:

  • Define your goal (e.g., educate leads, promote a product) so your content is consistent.
  • Ensure your subscribers are properly tagged & segmented before you start sending emails (others can become disorganized very fast). 
  • Outline the topics and content for each email in the series.
  • Schedule the emails for a consistent flow of content (I like weekly the best)! 
  • Make sure the CTAs are very clear so you can guide leads to the next step.

This is a sequence I would check analytics on a monthly basis (especially if you notice your subscribers aren’t converting). It is a sequence that can lead to so much passive selling which will require updates as your business grows!

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4). Re-engagement & Clean Out Campaigns

As your email list grows, you’ll want to have a sequence you can activate to either A). reactive old subscribers or B) clean them out. In my opinion, you want to ensure you’re sending emails to those who will actually benefit from them.

Here’s how to run successful re-engagement campaigns:

  • Identify inactive subscribers & create a segment for them (if they haven’t been active for more than 30 days I would put them in this segment).
  • Craft simple emails that reintroduce you to them & encourage them to take action so they become active again. 
  • The action or CTA can be an exclusive discount, special offers, or for them to click a link that “tags” them as an active user. 
  • Attach a deadline so they have a bit of pressure to make a decision on whether to stay or not (especially if you’re offering a special offer or discount).

I recommend implementing this type of campaign every quarter! 

5). Abandoned Cart Emails

Many business owners think this is for digital products only. However you can have an abandoned cart sequence for services as well. This is where having a 2 step checkout process is so important as that is how you can get their emails.

This can be a very simple 1-3 email process depending on how you like to market to your audience. 

Here’s how to set them up effectively:

  • Identify cart abandoners (you can do this in the backend of your checkout software).
  • Ensure they’re tagged for easier segmenting.
  • Craft a reminder email that highlights how easy it is to check out.
  • You can include images, descriptions, and testimonials to re-engage them.
  • Create urgency by using time-limited offers, discounts, etc.
  • If they don’t open the email (or purchase the product./service) you can send additional reminders.

This type of sequence can help you recover lost sales and increase your overall revenue.

Final Thoughts

Email automation is the simplest automation to start including into your business. It allows you to save your time, stay connected to your audience, & effectively convert them into paying clients/customers. Whether you are just starting with email automation or looking to optimize your existing campaigns, the strategies and best practices will help you succeed no matter what your business goals are.

P.S. If this blog was too long to read, here is the gist:

  • Email automation allows you to save time while increasing your conversion rate.
  • Welcome sequence allows you to provide value & leave a positive impression.
  • Onboarding sequences streamline the process for both you & your client/customer.
  • Drip sequence to nurture your audience without having to lift a finger.
  • Re-engagement sequence to reactive or clean out old subscribers.
  • Abandon cart sequence so you never miss an opportunity again.
  • Book a free consultation if you want to systemize your business today so you can grow your business without sacrificing your personal life!


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Heey, it's Katie & Sara!

We are the founders of Indigo Elephant Co, where we specialize in helping overwhelmed business owners move from chaos to clarity with our proven systems and dedicated support.