How to Avoid 4 Major Productivity Pitfalls in Your Online Business

by | Jun 9, 2023 | Productivity & Mindset | 0 comments

Are you an online business owner feeling there’s never enough time to tackle your to-do list? If your days are packed with tasks, and you struggle to keep up, it’s not just you. The key is not working harder but smarter. And one way of doing that is by booking a free consultation to learn how we can save you 20+ hours a week.

As an online business owner, you are most likely wearing all the hats. You’re the head of marketing, operations, administration, etc. 

In order to effectively run an online business, we must master our time & priorities, which can be a challenge.

You’ll want to keep reading as we explore typical time traps and share effective strategies to optimize your schedule and streamline your business operations. Let’s get into it.

Spotting the Time Traps

As an online business owner, certain tasks may seem important (like having an inbox with zero emails), but often don’t move the needle in your business. These are often repetitive and can be restructured, automated, or delegated. We’ll share a list of these in the next section.

A great place to start finding these time traps is doing an audit of your time & task load. 

Spend a week seeing how long it takes you to complete XYZ tasks. See how you feel when you look at your task list. Are there tasks that light you up & others you can’t fathom to do?

This reflection will help you uncover where to gain more time in your daily life.

Recognizing Common Time-Consumers

We know your to-do list is long. Here are some time-consuming tasks that can be outsourced or automated, depending on your business needs.

  • Inbox Management
  • Calendar Management
  • Manually Scheduling Social Posts
  • Handling DM Outreach
  • Customer Service
  • Bookkeeping/Tax Preparation

We could easily make this section 5 pages long; however, automating or outsourcing these tasks can save you 10+ hours a week! 

Strategies for Gaining More Time in Your Day

Now that you have an understanding of what tasks are sucking the life out of your day, these are our typical go-tos to gaining that time back!

Task Prioritization: Start your week by identifying the tasks that align with your business goals. For example, if you want to increase your revenue, your primary focus is marketing and sales. 

Setting Boundaries: There are a few ways to do this. It can be putting clear work hours, having meetings on specific days, saying “No” more, or having your phone on “Do Not Disturb.” Each provides more structure to your day and helps you be more productive. 

Embracing Automation: With so many tools, you can automate tasks. One of our favorites is Zapier, which streamlines system processes regardless of the business area.

Deciding to Outsource: If you dislike certain tasks or don’t have the time to learn new skills, consider outsourcing. This frees up your energy and time for areas of your business you’re passionate about.

By tackling these time-consuming tasks head-on, you can focus more on growth-oriented activities. It’s about working smarter, not just harder, to elevate your business.

P.S.: Here’s a quick recap in case you jumped to the end:

  • Identify and reduce time-consuming tasks.
  • Prioritize work that aligns with your goals.
  • Set clear work-life boundaries.
  • Automate and outsource to optimize your workflow.

Book a free consultation to learn how we can save you 20+ hours a week.

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Heey, it's Katie & Sara!

We are the founders of Indigo Elephant Co, where we specialize in helping overwhelmed business owners move from chaos to clarity with our proven systems and dedicated support.